Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yes, Virginia, a bolo is a tie

I ran into a colleague of mine on the 7th floor of the Harris County Criminal (In)justice Center yesterday while I was voting for the attorney representative on the Harris County Bail Bond Board. My colleague and I have a couple of things in common: we both graduated from South Texas College of Law and we both wear bolo ties.

He saw mine and told me not to go near County Court No. 4 because the judge, John Clinton (who has appeared before on these pages) did not care for his choice of neck wear. Apparently the judge felt it was an affront to the court to walk into the courtroom wearing a bolo tie not pulled up to the adam's apple.

The judge went so far as to claim that the bolo wasn't a tie.

Well, maybe it's time for some legislative history on this matter because on June 15, 2007, the Good Haired One, Governor Rick Perry, signed House Concurrent Resolution 12 making the bolo tie the official tie of Texas.

According to the text of the resolution, the bolo tie is:
A fashion accessory that can be personalized to reflect the wearer's taste and interests, the bolo tie is well matched to the individualism that is so much a part of the Texan identity; in selecting or designing a clasp, bolo tie wearers are able to express their personal flair; moreover, the selection of a bolo over a standard tie can suggest that the wearer refuses to be bound by convention and relishes the freedom to exhibit a distinctive sense of style even as they maintain a dignified, formal appearance.
The bolo tie symbolizes both the state's iconic western culture and the originality of its residents, and it is indeed appropriate that this handsome and unique apparel receive special legislative recognition...
I tend not to agree with much of what Gov. Perry does, but in this case, Gov. Goodhair got it right. So Judge Clinton just needs to get on board; after all, he and Perry bat for the same team.

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