Monday, August 17, 2009

Jury summons

When I got home from a seminar (and a cold one on the deck at Onion Creek in the Heights), there was a letter waiting for me. It was a letter from Harris County District Clerk Loren Jackson. Could it be?

Yes, it was. A jury summons. I was so excited.

In the past I dreaded that little card in the mail. It was a pain to have to go to a courthouse and sit around for hours hoping I wouldn't get picked.

Now it's all changed. I'm hoping I do get picked to serve on a jury on September 2, 2009. I can't think of a more educational tool than sitting in the jury room seeing what really goes on back there. I look forward to voir dire. Will the lawyers let the jurors talk? Will they ask open-ended questions? Will they ask questions designed to invite discussion?


Anonymous said...

Would it be OK if I just forwarded my next "Loren" summons to you?

Hunter said...

I always enjoy the chance to see "the other side." But I've never made it out of the central jury room. However I (and you) wouldnt sing the same tune if you get in there and it is a probate/pi/family case.. . . .

Paul B. Kennedy said...

Probate? Blleeeccchh! I just hope it's not a contract dispute.